Social login buttons & links to social media channels — in 2023, still a thing in web design and app design. What business isn’t these days on social media?
They’re a necessity! It’s pretty handy to know the different formats for font colors and graphics used by social networks.
Every time we design an app or a website, it is something we “Google.” For instance, “Facebook blue,” “Facebook hex value” & “What’s the color that Facebook uses?” “Facebook fonts and colors.”

So, let’s take a look at Messenger, fonts & colors for Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Google fonts and colors, and YouTube fonts and colors.

Facebook Color Values: Hex value: #1877F2, RGB value: RGB(24 119 242)
Fonts: Windows: Segoe UI
macOS: San Francisco
iOS: San Francisco
Android: Roboto

Messenger Color Values: Hex value: #0084FF, RGB value: RGB(0 132 255)
Fonts: Messenger on macOS applies Helvetica Neue instead of San Francisco, but everything else supports the system default.

Instagram Color Values: Hex value: #E1306C, RGB value: RGB(225 48 108)
Instagram uses many colors in its branding, although the color value mentioned above is used in their examples.
Fonts: Windows: Segoe UI
macOS: San Francisco
iOS: San Francisco
Android: Roboto

Twitter Color Values: Hex value: #1DA1F2, RGB value: RGB(29 161 242)
Fonts: Windows: Helvetica
macOS: Helvetica Neue
iOS: San Francisco
Android: Roboto

WhatsApp Color Values: Hex value: #25D366, RGB value: RGB(37 211 102)
Fonts: Whatsapp uses Helvetica

Pinterest Color Values: Hex value: #E60023, RGB value: RGB(230 0 35)
Fonts: Pinterest employs Helvetica/Neue Haas Grotesk for their website, but the default system font for everything else.
Windows: Segoe UI
macOS: San Francisco
iOS: San Francisco
Android: Roboto

LinkedIn Color Values: Hex value: #1666C5, RGB value: RGB(22 102 197)
Fonts: LinkedIn uses Sans-Serif on their website, which means Helvetica first/Arial second/system default otherwise.
Snapchat Color Values: Hex value: #FFFC00, RGB value: RGB(255 252 0)
Fonts: Standing out from the crowd, Snapchat uses the Graphik font.

YouTube Color Values: Hex value: #FF0000, RGB: RGB(255 0 0)
Android, Google, and Google-owned apps like YouTube use the design system known as Material Design, which references several colors and recommends using the Roboto font.

Google Blue Color Value: Hex value: #4285F4, RGB value: RGB(66 133 244)
Google Red Color Value: Hex value: #EA4335, RGB value: RGB(234 67 53)
Google Yellow Color Value: Hex value: #FBBC05, RGB value: RGB(251 188 5)
Google Green Color Value: Hex value: #34A853, RGB value: RGB(52 168 83)
Alphabet Red Color Value: Hex value: #ED1C24, RGB value: RGB(52 168 83)
Font: Google uses Roboto. It uses Product Sans in its logo.
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